Welcome, I'm so happy that you found your way to my first collection!
I created this work with so much love, joy, and gratitude, and I want nothing more than for you to experience those same feelings as you discover each painting.

When I looked inside, I could see moments of joy,
the sky, and the ocean. They were in my photos,
in my heart, and came alive again on the canvas.

Welcome to Serenity
I would like to take you on a wonderful journey today. If you are looking for beauty, you have come to the right place. I sincerely hope that you enjoy this collection as much as I loved creating it.
Serenity is the word I chose to guide me through this year, to help remind me that I have everything I need already within me. We all do.
It is the beauty we find in nature, that feeling of absolute peace and pure gratitude we often seek but sometimes struggle to find. It’s pure bliss and calm and wonder, a grounded state of being, a mind full of possibilities and hope.
It’s where I wanted to be and how I wanted to feel, and I found it, again, in painting. I started this series travelling through
a period of deep sadness, but through rediscovering my passion for creating I also rediscovered gratitude for life
and all of the beautiful experiences that come with it.
The pure bliss I felt sitting outside in my courtyard this summer, painting without knowing what was going to happen, was magical.
As I put brush to canvas I was carried away, and I painted an oceanscape. I love the ocean, and some of my best memories are connected to it, but I hadn't planned to paint it.
So I found that even though I missed my family dearly while the world was on hold and I had to stand still, that I could take this moment to enjoy and remember. Because although the blissful moments pass and can’t be contained, they live on inside of us as memories.
All we have to do is visit them from time to time, and unlock that place in our hearts. And then we can feel Serenity.